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You can even learn how to use some popular web APIs in your website or app. Codeacademy has a great modern learning system, which is based on user interaction. It has full-fledged programming courses for beginners. Again, this website is great for beginners and intermediate learners. But advanced programmers can also find some pretty useful stuff there. Tutorialspoint has tutorials for a lot of web, high level and scripting languages that are commonly used today. You can find tutorials for any computer language that you have ever heard of (those that are currently in used). MSDN has great tutorials for beginners, intermediate and advance programmers. But as I stated earlier, beginners might not be initially comfortable with MDSN, as I has really a lot of resources that it would be a hard time for beginners to find what they are looking for. But if you get used to MSDN, then it is the ideal learning point for Microsoft oriented languages. You can get a lot of sample applications, tutorials and resources that are uploaded by Microsoft and MSDN community. Since it’s a developer’s network, you can even find development help from community members. Lynda offers easy to follow video tutorials. So the next time someone asks you about your computer skills, you know where to turn. I hope you will learn a lot from these websites.

But this was the era of dinosaur computers, large, slow and dim-witted. To advance from that primitive state to the era of digital light required an energy source of awesome power. In 1965, the Moore’s law revolution began - a marvel not yet fully grasped. I cannot overemphasise its importance. It’s the supernova dynamo that has powered the modern world and particularly digital light. My version of the law is this: everything good about computers gets better by an order of magnitude every five years (Figure 12 below). That’s an intuitive expression of the law usually stated in this unintuitive way: the density of components on an integrated circuit-chip doubles every 18 months. But they are equivalent. I use ‘order of magnitude’ rather than the merely arithmetical ‘factor of 10’ because it suggests a mental limit. An order-of-magnitude change is about as large as a human can handle. Larger implies a conceptual leap. Moore’s law has required one every five years.

The basic concepts and abstract principles of computation by a machine were formulated by Dr. A. M. Turing, F.R.S., in a paper1. London Mathematical Society in 1936, but work on such machines in Britain was delayed by the war. In 1945, however, an examination of the problems was made at the National Physical Laboratory by Mr. J. R. Womersley, then superintendent of the Mathematics Division of the Laboratory. He was joined by Dr. Turing and a small staff of specialists, and, by 1947, the preliminary planning was sufficiently advanced to warrant the establishment of the special group already mentioned. In April, 1948, the latter became the Electronics Section of the Laboratory, under the charge of Mr. F. M. Colebrook. The First Draft described a design that was used by many universities and corporations to construct their computers. Among these various computers, only ILLIAC and ORDVAC had compatible instruction sets. The date information in the following chronology is difficult to put into proper order.

Like LISP (described in the next section), ALGOL had recursive subprograms-procedures that could invoke themselves to solve a problem by reducing it to a smaller problem of the same kind. ALGOL introduced block structure, in which a program is composed of blocks that might contain both data and instructions and have the same structure as an entire program. Block structure became a powerful tool for building large programs out of small components. ALGOL contributed a notation for describing the structure of a programming language, Backus-Naur Form, which in some variation became the standard tool for stating the syntax (grammar) of programming languages. ALGOL was widely used in Europe, and for many years it remained the language in which computer algorithms were published. Many important languages, such as Pascal and Ada (both described later), are its descendants. The C programming language was developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan at the AT&T Corporation for programming computer operating systems.

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