PC Vision Syndrome

Many human beings enjoy eye pain and vision problems even as viewing digital presentations for extended periods. The degree of pain appears to boom with the amount of digital show display use. The not unusualplace American worker spends seven hours a day on the pc each withinside the place of work or walking from home. To help alleviate digital eyestrain, study the 20-20-20 rule; take a 20-second smash to view a few issue 20 toes away every 20 minutes. Viewing a pc or digital show display often makes the eyes art work harder. As a result, the precise tendencies and immoderate seen wishes of pc and digital show display viewing make many human beings at risk of the development of vision-related symptoms. Uncorrected vision problems can boom the severity of pc vision syndrome (CVS) or digital eyestrain symptoms. Viewing a pc or digital show display is one-of-a-type than studying a posted page. Often the letters on the pc or hand-held device are not as specific or sharply defined, the volume of evaluation of the letters to the background is reduced, and the presence of glare and reflections on the show display also can moreover make viewing difficult.

The paper details a method of detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder using a machine learning approach using fMRI data. The method achieves a maximum of 82% accuracy which is a substantial increase as compared to the state-of-the-art methods. Read the full paper here. Computer science major Jonathan Sanford shares his knowledge of JAVA to help Schoolcraft Middle School’s Robotics Club pull off a successful season. Read the full article here. Dr. Fong receives a DOE award. Dr. Alvis Fong is a co-PI on a $2M DOE award to advance technology in zero-emission vehicles. Their project aims to provide real-world evidence to demonstrate how advanced infrastructure technology can improve energy savings, resilience, and safety. Key technical challenges include real-time fusion of infrastructure data and development of robust and computationally light AI algorithms. The compiled code will be implemented directly on a test vehicle for fast prototyping and evaluation. Dr. Bhattacharjee receives new NSF award. Dr. Shameek Bhattarcharjee recently received a new research grant from the National Science Foundation. The grant is entitled TAURUS: Towards a Unified Robust and Secure Data Driven Approach for Attack Detection in Smart Living. Dr. Fahad Saeed, a Western Michigan University assistant professor in the Departments of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering, was named a recipient of the highly prestigious, 5-year, $500,000 CAREER award from the National Science Foundation (NSF). 

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