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It’s also packing a few extra features we love. Already know the D5 is for you? Click on the link above for the latest prices and all the details. For more info, read our in-depth review of the Suunto D5. Breaking a decompression ceiling for more than three minutes will result in the algorithm locking and no decompression information will be displayed. If a tech dive wanted to use The D5 as a backup, and the dive plan deviated from Suunto’s algorithm, an algorithm lock is not very helpful. That said, the D5 was designed to be a recreational computer. Popular scuba manufacturer Aqualung has done a great job with the i470TC dive computer. Superseding the i450T, the i470 TC is sleeker, lighter, and more eminently more stylish than its predecessor. Aqualung has clearly listened to a few complaints about the clunkiness of some of its computers and has addressed those in the i470 TC. The dive computer’s screen is easy to read and navigating the settings and menus is a breeze.
Spectators watch the events, and fans cheer the athletes on. Helping the athletes in their chosen sports are their trainers and coaches. Helping the athletes in their business affairs are their agents and managers. Sometimes athletes have sponsors and after the Games are over the athletes become spokesmen for companies. The Olympic Games also require people to take on the jobs of announcers, commentators and broadcasters. These people comment on, report and describe the events that are happening and tell us about the standings of the countries and the athletes who play the Games. Unfortunate events in world history (the 1972 Munich Olympics and 9/11) mean that security is a major concern for the Games. Thus the Olympics also employs those who are responsible for the safe-being of the athletes and spectators, including police (city, provincial and federal) and even national troops or soldiers. In addition, the support staff get the fields, grounds and arenas ready and help to maintain the equipment and facilities.