When Outlook offers a suggestion, swipe to accept it. Your documents just got snazzier. Animated GIFs are now supported in the Office editor. Previously, animated GIFs were static in the editor. This change will enable animated GIFs to play in the editor in a performant way, with user controls to play / pause. We’ve heard from you that reading long documents on a mobile device can be difficult and anything we could do to make moving through the document would be welcome. Using the Navigation pane, you can use the Document Headings to skip ahead and back to the relevant sections of your file. In PowerPoint, Presenter Coach uses AI to help you rehearse upcoming presentations. For instance, it flags issues such as talking too fast, saying “umm” too much, or just reading the text from your slides. Now that same functionality is available for you in PowerPoint on iPhone and iPad.
As such, the ontology of computational systems falls under that of technical artifacts (Meijers 2000) characterized by a duality, as they are defined by both functional and structural properties (Kroes 2009, see also the entry on philosophy of technology). Functional properties specify the functions the artifact is required to perform; structural properties express the physical properties through which the artifact can perform them. Consider a screwdriver: functional properties may include the function of screwing and unscrewing; structural properties can refer to a piece of metal capable of being inserted on the head of the screw and a plastic handle that allows a clockwise and anticlockwise motion. Functions can be realized in multiple ways by their structural counterparts. For instance, the function for the screwdriver could well be realized by a full metal screwdriver, or by an electric screwdriver defined by very different structural properties. The layered ontology of computational systems characterized by many different LoAs seems to extend the dual ontology defining technical artifacts (Floridi et al.
If it does not, the program allows the translator to enter a translation for the new segment. After the translation for a segment is completed, the program stores the new translation and moves on to the next segment. In the dominant paradigm, the translation memory is, in principle, a simple database of fields containing the source language segment, the translation of the segment, and other information such as segment creation date, last access, translator name, and so on. Another translation memory approach does not involve the creation of a database, relying on aligned reference documents instead. Some translation memory programs function as standalone environments, while others function as an add-on or macro for commercially available word-processing or other business software programs. Add-on programs allow source documents from other formats, such as desktop publishing files, spreadsheets, or HTML code, to be handled using the TM program. New to the translation industry, Language search-engine software is typically an Internet-based system that works similarly to Internet search engines.