Brain-Computer Interfaces in Medicine

In 1988, Farwell and Donchin5 showed how the P300 event-related potential could be used to allow normal volunteers to spell words on a computer screen. Since the 1950s, the mu and beta rhythms (ie, sensorimotor rhythms) recorded over the sensorimotor cortex were known to be associated with movement or movement imagery.6 In the late 1970s, Kuhlman7 showed that the mu rhythm can be enhanced by EEG feedback training. Starting from this information, Wolpaw et al8-10 trained volunteers to control sensorimotor rhythm amplitudes and use them to move a cursor on a computer screen accurately in 1 or 2 dimensions. By 2006, a microelectrode array was implanted in the primary motor cortex of a young man with complete tetraplegia after a C3-C4 cervical injury. BCI to allow a person to accurately spell words on a computer screen. Brain-computer interface articles in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. Over the past 15 years, BCI research, which was previously confined to a few laboratories, has become an extremely active and rapidly growing scientific field.

Anti-glare screens. If there is no way to minimize glare from light sources, consider using a screen glare filter. These filters decrease the amount of light reflected from the screen. Seating position. Chairs should be comfortably padded and conform to the body. Chair height should be adjusted so the feet rest flat on the floor. Arms should be adjusted to provide support while typing and wrists shouldn't rest on the keyboard when typing. Rest breaks. To prevent eyestrain, try to rest eyes when using the computer for long periods. Resting the eyes for 15 minutes after two hours of continuous computer use. Also, for every 20 minutes of computer viewing, look into the distance for 20 seconds to allow the eyes a chance to refocus. Blinking. To minimize the chances of developing dry eye when using a computer, try to blink frequently. Blinking keeps the front surface of the& eye moist. Regular eye examinations and proper viewing habits can help to prevent or reduce the development of the symptoms associated with CVS.

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Many tablet computers have USB ports, to which a keyboard or mouse can be connected. Smartphones are often similar to tablet computers, the difference being that smartphones always have cellular integration. They are generally smaller than tablets, and may not have a slate form factor. The ultra-mobile PC (UMP) is a small tablet computer. It was developed by Microsoft, Intel and Samsung, among others. Current UMPCs typically feature the Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Linux operating system, and low-voltage Intel Atom or VIA C7-M processors. A pocket PC is a hardware specification for a handheld-sized computer (personal digital assistant, PDA) that runs the Microsoft Windows Mobile operating system. It may have the capability to run an alternative operating system like NetBSD or Linux. Pocket PCs have many of the capabilities of desktop PCs. Numerous applications are available for handhelds adhering to the Microsoft Pocket PC specification, many of which are freeware. Microsoft-compliant Pocket PCs can also be used with many other add-ons like GPS receivers, barcode readers, RFID readers and cameras.

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