Jon Schneider's Tech Blog

I picked up the book yesterday. In a team meeting near the end of my work day yesterday, I mentioned the book, and promised to drop a link to the book in our Slack channel in the morning. I followed up on that this morning, intending to post the link along with the original post where I'd seen the book recommended internally. No search results for "anatomy of the swipe". Or for "anatomy" "swipe". Or for "ahmed siddiqui". At this point, I was momentarily stumped. Obviously I hadn't just imagined it; I had gotten the name and author of this particular book, in order to request my local library to order a copy, from somewhere. And then, inspiration struck: I've got TimeSnapper! TimeSnapper, if you're not familiar with it, is a utility program that runs in the background on your computer, and saves a snapshot of the screen every few seconds. It also provides a "Play Your Day Like a Movie" feature, where you can rapidly scrub back and forth through an entire day's worth of these saved screenshots. For those who have just about any concerns about exactly where and the way to make use of news, you are able to call us on our page. To get the time window for my TimeSnapper search, I went to my library's website, logged in, and and viewed the page with the status of my past purchase requests. Sure enough, it showed that my request for "The Anatomy of the Swipe" had been originally made on July 26, 2022 -- one month ago today. I then fired up TimeSnapper's Play Your Day feature and navigated to July 26. Skimming through my day, I found the images of my visit to the library website where I'd initially keyed in my request for the book. Da ta has ​been generat​ed by G SA C onte nt Gener᠎at᠎or D᠎em᠎ov᠎er​sion .

While a group of bits malfunction may be resolved by error detection and correction mechanisms (see above), storage device malfunction requires different solutions. Device mirroring (replication) - A common solution to the problem is constantly maintaining an identical copy of device content on another device (typically of a same type). The downside is that this doubles the storage, and both devices (copies) need to be updated simultaneously with some overhead and possibly some delays. The upside is possible concurrent read of a same data group by two independent processes, which increases performance. When one of the replicated devices is detected to be defective, the other copy is still operational, and is being utilized to generate a new copy on another device (usually available operational in a pool of stand-by devices for this purpose). 2, at the cost of more processing during both regular operation (with often reduced performance) and defective device replacement. This post w​as w ritten wi​th the help of G SA Conte nt Generator D᠎emov᠎ersion!

11. The OpenMP standard is supported by some compilers, and allows critical sections to be specified using pragmas. The POSIX pthread API provides lock support. Mutex class in the pthreads extension. Python provides a low-level mutex mechanism with a Lock class from the threading module. Ruby provides a low-level mutex object and no keyword. 86 assembly provides the LOCK prefix on certain operations to guarantee their atomicity. Haskell implements locking via a mutable data structure called an MVar, which can either be empty or contain a value, typically a reference to a resource. A thread that wants to use the resource ‘takes’ the value of the MVar, leaving it empty, and puts it back when it is finished. Attempting to take a resource from an empty MVar results in the thread blocking until the resource is available. As an alternative to locking, an implementation of software transactional memory also exists. Go provides a low-level Mutex object in standard's library sync package. It can be used for locking code blocks, methods or objects. Peyton Jones, Simon (2007). "Beautiful concurrency" (PDF). In Wilson, Greg; Oram, Andy (eds.). Beautiful Code: Leading Programmers Explain How They Think. ISO/IEC 8652:2007. "Protected Units and Protected Objects". Ada 2005 Reference Manual. Retrieved 2010-02-27. A protected object provides coordinated access to shared data, through calls on its visible protected operations, which can be protected subprograms or protected entries. ISO/IEC 8652:2007. "Example of Tasking and Synchronization". Ada 2005 Reference Manual. Marshall, Dave (March 1999). "Mutual Exclusion Locks". Lundh, Fredrik (July 2007). "Thread Synchronization Mechanisms in Python". John Reid (2010). "Coarrays in the next Fortran Standard" (PDF). Marlow, Simon (August 2013). "Basic concurrency: threads and MVars". Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell. Marlow, Simon (August 2013). "Software transactional memory". Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell.

᠎Data h as be en created wi th G SA  C ontent G enerat​or᠎ D​emov᠎er sion.

This work made possible creation of BCIs that read arm movement intentions and translate them into movements of artificial actuators. BCI that allowed a monkey to control reaching and grasping movements by a robotic arm. In 2019, researchers from UCSF published a study where they demonstrated a BCI that had the potential to help patients with speech impairment caused by neurological disorders. Their BCI used high-density electrocorticography to tap neural activity from a patient's brain and used deep learning methods to synthesize speech. In 2021, researchers from the same group published a study showing the potential of a BCI to decode words and sentences in an anarthric patient who had been unable to speak for over 15 years. The biggest impediment to BCI technology at present is the lack of a sensor modality that provides safe, accurate and robust access to brain signals. It is conceivable or even likely, however, that such a sensor will be developed within the next twenty years.

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