Bajigur Drinks

Bajigur also a typical beverage Sundanese people. This drink is usually sold we find by using a cart or use a bear dependents that includes a stove because the drink is much better if you drink in a warm state. Bajigur often drunk in the afternoon especially on a rainy day. Food is often served with boiled bananas bajigur is, boiled sweet potatoes and boiled peanuts. Not hard to find this drink, because until now these drinks sold on the roadside or in the stalls located along the road. This main ingredient of this drink is coconut milk and palm sugar and pandan leaves that served as a deodorizer. If you have not tried it curious, please come to Bandung, in particular to the Supratman road or hawker centers in Bandung, which many in places Factory.

Note : the red words mean in Indonesia
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